Archive for October, 2008

IKEA dresser

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

On Sunday, I went to IKEA and picked up 2 dressers for Ella’s room.  I also got her this little red night table which she loves.  She told me that she wanted to eat snacks on it.  The big girl bed is going pretty well.  I’m happy that we have those ottomans because I think she would flip right out of the bed.

putting-it-together.jpg Here I am putting the dresser together while Ella passes out in a drawer with her new elephant.

elephantindrawer.jpg Ella and her elephant in the drawer.

rinsing.jpggettingreadytospit.jpgElla loves rinsing and spitting.

newdresser.jpg The new dresser.

sleepingangel.jpg Our sleeping angel.  She insisted on having all of her “friends” in bed with her.  She also flips around all night – she fell asleep with her head on the other side of the bed!

hallway2.jpg On the way to school this morning.

artwork.jpg Some more of Ella’s artwork on the Leaping Lizard wall.

hanging.jpg Ella learned this hanging trick from her buddy Brickelle.

cheers.jpg Cheers – grape juice in her new “fancy glasses” from IKEA.

inthedresser.jpg Playing around in the old dresser.

Big girl bed

Sunday, October 19th, 2008

Today, we took Ella to the Jelly Belly factory.  We had a lot of fun there.  Ella was really patient and paid attention during the tour.  She wanted to eat a lot of jellybeans and  she had plenty.  On the way home in the car she announced that she wanted to sleep in a big girl bed like Stella and Juliet.  We told her that she could have her big girl bed whenever she wanted.  She then said, “I want it tonight – I want my big girl bed to sleep in tonight”.  We came home and set up her bed (we left the crib in the room just in case it didn’t work out).  Then all of a sudden, Ella said, “No more binkies.  I am a big girl in a big girl bed, no binkies”.  We told her that she could do whatever she wanted, that if she needed her binkie, she could have it until she was 3.  She didn’t really respond. At bed time Ella said, “No more binkies for me” and went to sleep without her binkie!  I found the binkies in the bottom of her crib.  I guess Ella put them there.  Ella is now sleeping soundly in her bed.jump.jpg Ella loves jumping off the steps in our lobby.jellybelly.jpg Welcome to the Jelly Belly factory!giftshop.jpg Picking up a few things in the gift shop.hats.jpg We had to wear hats on our tour.barefootinthegrass.jpg Barefoot in the Our happy little girl.aloha.jpg Aloha.ballerina.jpg Ella had to change into her “ballet” when we got home.biggirlbed.jpg Here is Ella in her big girl bed. WE pushed the ottomans close to her bed so she wouldn’t fall out.

Time for ballet class?

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

Ella had a great day at school today.  Every day when she comes home, she wants to “put on ballet”.  Then Ella names her articles of clothing.  “I want a leotard and a tutu and tights”.  Today she was doing some very special spins in her outfit.  We are thinking that maybe we’ll have her take a ballet class.  She loves it so much.

afterschool.jpg Ella after school.

back.jpgWhen we got home, there was a surprise in the mail from Uncle Jesse.  He sent us a DVD of the original Peter Pan.  Juliet and Stella came over for a little while and the 3 of them sat down and watched it on the little DVD player.  They were concentrating and focusing so hard!front.jpg

pushingthecart.jpg Ella helping mommy by pushing the cart down the hall.

1.jpg Playing with the “rainbow” on the wall.

jump1.jpgjump2.jpgWhat a jump!

Having a blast

Friday, October 17th, 2008

Ella had a great day at school today after a little sweatshirt morning trouble.  When we picked Ella up from school we went over to the playground at the school.  A whole bunch of other kids were there and Ella was having a particularly fun time with her friend Kaliko.  He was running up the structure and then laying down and hang his head upside down and said things to Ella that were making her laugh her head off.   Very cute.  I took Ella swimming after school.  I went to watch Sunny and Amy do a podcast on incarceration.  They both did a great job.  I’ll post it when I find out the website/blog for the podcast.  I was happy to be there.playdoh.jpg Play-doh early in the morning.lookingup.jpg Looking up at Kaliko.laughing.jpg Mommy and Ella laughing.podcast.jpg Amy, Sunny and Deborah at the podcast.popcorn.jpg Their thank you gifts.  Great job ladies!


Thursday, October 16th, 2008

It’s AJ’s birthday today.  We wish we could be there to give you big hugs.  We love you.  Have a beautiful day.  Enjoy Ella’s video.  This is her version of “Happy Birthday”.

Picture day

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Today was picture day at school.  I think we are going to get the pictures in about 2 weeks.  I asked Ella what they said to her while they were taking her picture and she said, “They asked me what I liked better, a birdie or a kitty cat”.  I asked her what she said and she said, “a kitty cat”.  We’ll see how the pictures come out.

walkingintoschool.jpg Ella walking into school this morning.

playingwiththeguys.jpg Playing with the guys.

buenasdias.jpg Singing “Buenas Dias” with Bella.

becca.jpg Becca came over for a while tonight.  Here she is reading Ella a good night story.

Beautiful smiles

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

thismorning1.jpgElla on her way to school this morning.

robe1.jpgrobe2.jpgAfter Ella’s bath, she asked for her robe and she danced around and laughed.

Lemo’s Farm

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

We all had the day off today, so we decided to take Ella to Lemo’s farm for some fall fun.  We played around there, fed some goats, went on a train ride, played on a playground, and just had a blast.  Ella brought little pumpkins home for Stella and Juliet.  She loved picking the pumpkins out.  I am really tired so I am going to post some pictures.

babygoat.jpg Mommy and Ella feeding a baby goat.

pettinggoats.jpg Petting goats with mama.

tire.jpg Fooling around in front of the HUGE tire.

ontrain.jpg On the train.

tigerlily.jpg Ella called this place “Tiger Lily” from Peter Pan.

bouncyhouse.jpg Ella jumping in the bouncy house (didn’t last too long)

rockinghorse.jpg We ran into Ella’s old friend Ava along with her mom and sister.  It was great to see them all.

albinopumpkins.jpg Shopping for albino pumpkins.

watchingducks.jpg Ella was watching these crazy ducks swim and jump and run on water!  It was pretty funny.

beautiful.jpg Beautiful Ella/

stagecoach.jpg Doing some pretend riding on the stagecoach

ballet.jpg Introducing Ballerina Ella!

tallmountain1.jpg On top of tall mountain.

mommytowbyella.jpg Mommy, Towby and Ella.

mamatowbyella.jpg Hanging out on the top of tall mountain.

Practicing for the prom

Monday, October 13th, 2008

I think we are still getting used to Ella’s pre-school schedule – a major change to our life schedule.  We are exhausted on the weekends!  The weather was beautiful and we just hung around the neighborhood.  We took some really nice walks and played a lot with Stella and Juliet.  The girls are really into costumes and I think we pretty much bought most of the cute Old Navy costumes for the kids.  Today, Ella was a dragon, a skunk, a mouse, and a skunk again.  She didn’t put on her cat costume or her monkey costume today.  Tonight, we had dinner at Los Jarritos with the Kim/Arenas, Helen’s brother John and our friend Amy.  Ella fell asleep in the car on the way to the restaurant but woke up about 1/2 hour later so happy to see her buddies.  Ella and Juliet danced with each other to the juke box and I caught it on video.  Helen wants them to go to the prom together.

shades.jpg Getting ready for a sunny day.

hellothere.jpg Ella likes to wear her shades on her head just like us.

mommyandskunks.jpg Mommy and the two skunks.

skunksisters.jpg The skunk sisters.

running.jpg Running down the hallway this morning.

amymommyella.jpg Mommy, Amy and Ella at Los Jarritos.


Trip to the dentist

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

Ella woke up in the middle of the night last night and after sleeping in our room from 4:00 am – 5:15 am, she decided that she wanted to “go downstairs, turn on all of the lights and play”.  It was the last thing that I wanted to do, but Sunny, being the amazing mommy that she is, went downstairs with the demanding little sleep deprived creature.  I had to warn Alicia that Ella could potentially be a little jerky because she gets that way when she is tired, but she wasn’t at all.  She had a great day.  After school, we took Ella for ice cream and then to the dentist.  Ella was fantastic at the dentist – no crying, really cooperative and even funny.  There is a video of the trip to the dentist at the end.  Tonight, we had dinner at Acme with Ellen and Joyce and Ella threw up at the table at the beginning of the meal.  After she threw up, she was in a great mood and we had a great dinner.  Either she had a little bug or the dental work made her sick.  She’s sleeping soundly now.   Hopefully she’ll sleep through the night.

hallway1.jpg The hallway shot on the way to school.

slide.jpg About to go down the slide after school.

mamaella.jpg Sneaking in a hug while I zipper Ella’s sweatshirt.

tomato.jpgstrawberry.jpgstrawberrykiss.jpgExploring the garden that is in front of the school.

icecream.jpg Finding a cozy spot to have ice cream.

purpleteeth.jpgpurpleteeth2.jpgPurple teeth at the dentist’s office.

brushingteeth.jpg Getting her teeth brushed.

paintingairplane.jpgPainting an airplane.