Trip to the dentist

Ella woke up in the middle of the night last night and after sleeping in our room from 4:00 am – 5:15 am, she decided that she wanted to “go downstairs, turn on all of the lights and play”.  It was the last thing that I wanted to do, but Sunny, being the amazing mommy that she is, went downstairs with the demanding little sleep deprived creature.  I had to warn Alicia that Ella could potentially be a little jerky because she gets that way when she is tired, but she wasn’t at all.  She had a great day.  After school, we took Ella for ice cream and then to the dentist.  Ella was fantastic at the dentist – no crying, really cooperative and even funny.  There is a video of the trip to the dentist at the end.  Tonight, we had dinner at Acme with Ellen and Joyce and Ella threw up at the table at the beginning of the meal.  After she threw up, she was in a great mood and we had a great dinner.  Either she had a little bug or the dental work made her sick.  She’s sleeping soundly now.   Hopefully she’ll sleep through the night.

hallway1.jpg The hallway shot on the way to school.

slide.jpg About to go down the slide after school.

mamaella.jpg Sneaking in a hug while I zipper Ella’s sweatshirt.

tomato.jpgstrawberry.jpgstrawberrykiss.jpgExploring the garden that is in front of the school.

icecream.jpg Finding a cozy spot to have ice cream.

purpleteeth.jpgpurpleteeth2.jpgPurple teeth at the dentist’s office.

brushingteeth.jpg Getting her teeth brushed.

paintingairplane.jpgPainting an airplane.

One Response to “Trip to the dentist”

  1. merilee says:

    In the dentist’s video, you’re doing what every loving mother does: opening your mouth with Ella. I’m sure Sunny holding the camera was doing the same. “Take your Time” is adorable. Ella has gone from composing lyrics to warbling. I love it. Love you. Mom

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