Big girl bed

Today, we took Ella to the Jelly Belly factory.  We had a lot of fun there.  Ella was really patient and paid attention during the tour.  She wanted to eat a lot of jellybeans and  she had plenty.  On the way home in the car she announced that she wanted to sleep in a big girl bed like Stella and Juliet.  We told her that she could have her big girl bed whenever she wanted.  She then said, “I want it tonight – I want my big girl bed to sleep in tonight”.  We came home and set up her bed (we left the crib in the room just in case it didn’t work out).  Then all of a sudden, Ella said, “No more binkies.  I am a big girl in a big girl bed, no binkies”.  We told her that she could do whatever she wanted, that if she needed her binkie, she could have it until she was 3.  She didn’t really respond. At bed time Ella said, “No more binkies for me” and went to sleep without her binkie!  I found the binkies in the bottom of her crib.  I guess Ella put them there.  Ella is now sleeping soundly in her bed.jump.jpg Ella loves jumping off the steps in our lobby.jellybelly.jpg Welcome to the Jelly Belly factory!giftshop.jpg Picking up a few things in the gift shop.hats.jpg We had to wear hats on our tour.barefootinthegrass.jpg Barefoot in the Our happy little girl.aloha.jpg Aloha.ballerina.jpg Ella had to change into her “ballet” when we got home.biggirlbed.jpg Here is Ella in her big girl bed. WE pushed the ottomans close to her bed so she wouldn’t fall out.

2 Responses to “Big girl bed”

  1. merilee says:

    Wow! Your little girl is growing up, and at a pace she’s comfortable with. How wonderful that Ella told you when she was ready for the big girl bed and no more binkies. Give us a call today. We’d like to congratulate you all. Love you. Mom

  2. AJ says:

    that’s my girl

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