Today we went to Ella’s class in the morning for family share. Each family has the opportunity to come in and do an activity with the class on a Monday morning. We chose this morning to teach the kids about Chanukah. Before we did our thing, we were able to watch the morning meeting in the Leaping Lizards class. It was so fantastic to see the kids interact with each other and with the teachers and to watch some of the kids do their class “jobs”. At the end of the meeting, the kids were able to share something with the group. It was just really sweet and of course it was so great to see Ella as part of the group. She participated, didn’t freak out that we were there and she listened to Alicia.
The weather was pretty crappy this morning – it rained really early but by the time we left, the rain was finished. Ella knew that it had rained so she decided that she was going to wear her raincoat, frog boots and carry her Elmo umbrella. We just got a kick out of watching this sweet kid walk down a virtually sunny street with her rain gear on. We got into the classroom and Ella would not take off her raincoat. I think she may have even napped in her raincoat. I’ll have to check with Alicia. The morning activities were lots of fun. We told the story of Chanukah, showed the menorah, ate latkes and brought in dreidles and played the dreidel game. We also sang the dreidel song. Ella is with a great group of kids.
After school, I went out to buy a dress for Ella for Stella’s fancy tea/birthday party on Sunday. Ella told me that she wanted a red sparkly dress. When I got back from shopping, Ella was baking brownies with mommy. Ella changed into her dress – which she loves and wore it for the rest of the night. You’ll see from the pictures that Ella had some special touches to her outfit.
Walking to school ready for the rain.
The dry erase board and morning meeting.
At one point, Ella leaned over and flicked Bella’s hat that has a bell on the end of it. Alicia reminded Ella that they can’t touch each other without asking. Alicia then asked Bella if she would ring her bell for the class. Bella rang it a little bit.
Waiting patiently to play the piano.
Ella came home to a package from Uncle Jesse and Aunt Heather – in the box was a cool Mickey Mouse t-shirt and these incredible duck feet slippers which Ella immediately fell in love with.
Here I am showing Ella her new dress. Notice the firefighter hat that she is wearing. Ella got that from school today and she didn’t take it off all afternoon/evening. She likes to wear it more like a baseball hat.
Ella with her new red bow, red dress and duck feet.
Here is Ella looking a little crazy.
The firefighter licking brownie batter.