Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Ella is beautiful at the ballet!

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

Here are some photos and a video from Ella’s class today.  We switched from a late Thursday class to Tuesdays at 4:30.  She is now in a 6 – 7 year old class.  Her focus and concentration is incredible and she loves it.


Mornings before school starts

Thursday, September 15th, 2011

A big part of kindergarten is being able to play on the yard and structure before school starts.  Ella loves this time.  She gets to hang out with friends from kindergarten and first grade.  Ella has been into jumping rope, playing helicopter, the monkey bars and hanging on the bar.  Ella is still loving school.  She seems like she’s having a blast.  Ella also gets to see Ms. Alicia on the yard who she loves like family!  We are so happy that things are going so well for Ella.  Life is beautiful.

118.jpg28.jpg We can remember the time when the only way Ella could get on this bar was for us to lift her!  Can’t believe how tall she is getting.

38.jpg Ella is our little wonder woman!

48.jpg56.jpg Playing helicopter.

64.jpg Jumping rope this morning.  Check out Ella’s new sneakers.

74.jpg84.jpg Hanging on the monkey bars with Brickelle and Emmi.

A special note from the tooth fairy

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Ella woke up at 6:30 this morning which is so rare for Ella.  She usually sleeps in on the weekends but this morning was special.  Ella woke up to find a note from the tooth fairy and 2 gold dollar coins.  The note said, “Dear Ella, Thank you for the tooth.  Love, The Tooth Fairy.”  Ella loved the note and the coins and couldn’t believe that the tooth fairy knew her name.  So sweet.  Today we took a walk to the Ferry Building, got some great fruit at the farmer’s market and then had lunch at the Java House.  This afternoon Ella went to taekwondo and Sunny and I worked out at the gym.  We had a mellow night tonight – everyone was very tired.

114.jpgSearching for the perfect fruit at the farmer’s market.

212.jpg I love Ella’s new tooth missing smile.

310.jpg So we were walking home on the water, right behind the ballpark where the boats are and we hear these seagulls yelling at another bird.  The other bird yelled back and it was an intense yell.  All of a sudden, it took off flying – it had a huge wing span and then it landed high up in a tree.  In my mind I was thinking, “What the hell was that?  An ostrich? (I know they don’t fly – Ella told me!)  Ella looks up and says, “Oh my god, a heron.”  Of course, she was right!

43.jpg Ella and her buddy Lou Seal.

53.jpg Great balance!  Ella is getting to be pretty good at taekwondo.


Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Ella and mommy do a lot of magic together.  Here is a little video of Ella pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

Happy Father’s Day Dad/Papa

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Hi dad.  Hope you have a beautiful father’s day.  Thanks for being my dad.  You are the best.  I love you very much.  We have been pretty busy these past few days.  On Thursday night, we went over to our friend’s house to do music and watch the Giants game.  We ended up only watching the game which was not a fun one but we had a great time hanging with our friends.  Here is a picture from the other night when we celebrated Sunny’s end of the week birthday.410.jpg That’s Emilie, Gracie, Tess, Sunny and Ella.  Sweet birthday cupcakecelebration.117.jpg28.jpg Ella has been jumping her little heart out these days.37.jpg Ella in her new sunglasses for Hawaii.67.jpg Back together with Juliet and Stella.  They were so sweet sitting there reading.79.jpgHappily back together with Stella and Juliet.86.jpg We hung out with Eli and family tonight.  We all had a great time.  I think Eli and Ella especially did. WHo knows what goes on in outer space?!

Last rehearsal before the show

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Ella had a very sweet rehearsal today.  The regular teacher is out for the next 2 weeks so the new teacher has to help the girls get it together.  Ella was really into it – so into her job as the leader.  We’ll see how it comes out next Sunday.  Enjoy the pics and video.139.jpg221.jpg319.jpg417.jpg514.jpg

Kissing Kids

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Well… here’s an e-mail that Sunny, four other parents and I got today from Alicia:Hello:I caught your kids this morning daring each other to go up to certain kids and kiss them on the lips. I talked to all 3 of them & reminded them that we had already had this conversation about not kissing each other as well as other children. Please talk to them reinforcing our rules at school of no kissing and touching each others bodies. Thank you!It turns out that 2 of Ella’s friends (one boy and one girl) were daring her to go kiss this other boy on the lips.  She was going to do it, ended up not doing it, and it’s a good thing that it didn’t happen.  Ya never know how the other kid would have reacted.  Funny things that preschoolers do.  The other night we had to talk to Ella about not licking people (like us!).  Just another crazy stage she’s going through.After school, we came home, Stella and Juliet came over to play and have their piano lessons and then we all went out to dinner.  It was a fun night – Ella was a little sensitive but she was fine. Mom, to answer your question – Ella is not too old to believe in the tooth fairy.  Who knows when it’s going to come out, but this morning, Sunny and Ella were discussing where she may be when her tooth comes out.  Sunny suggested that Ella may be in NJ for the big event.  Ella thought that was great because there is a tooth fairy pillow in NJ!135.jpg Waiting in the hallway for Juliet.218.jpg Nicely, quietly eating…316.jpg See food!

Special day after school

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Ella had a great day at school but after school was where all the action was.  First, I picked up Brickelle and Ella from school, took them back here, gave Brickelle her lesson and then I took Ella and Brickelle to Blush.  They were playing with these little toys and brought them everywhere with them.  They had a lot of fun.  Tonight, Ella hung out with Stella and Juliet and of course Helen and KJ.  We all went back to Blush so Ella got her Blush for the week today!126.jpg Did you find Ella’s little animal?218.jpg Their little friends are coming with them to Blush.314.jpgElla Stella and Juliet hopscotching to Blush.412.jpg Frozen yogurt time.  Ella needs a suntan.513.jpg Making a choo choo train on the way home.

Ella’s first game of the season and a great piano lesson

Monday, April 11th, 2011

The three of us went to the game today with our friend Mary.  It was pretty cold out and although we have amazing seats, we were in the shade and cold!  The Giants lost but that’s ok.  We need to lose games in order to win more.  Ella had a lot of fun.  We bumped into one of her soccer teammates and they sat together.  After the game, we came back here and I gave Ella a piano lesson.  She has finished her first piece with both hands.  She kind of amazes me with her focus and concentration.  We’ll see where it all goes.  After dinner, Stella, Juilet, KJ and Helen came by to say hi.  The girls all played well together…no need for the talking stick.19.jpgThe cutest Giants fan in the world.28.jpg Mother and daughter walking to the ballgame.36.jpg I have no idea why Ella is giving me the finger.46.jpg Family love at a baseball game.56.jpg Nothing like the warmth of a Giants blanket.

Beautiful piano music

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

Here is a little video of Ella playing some pieces that she’s working on.  The first one is “This Old Man” and the second one is the beginning of Ode To Joy hands together.  It’s pretty incredible that Ella can play hands together like this.  We’re just trying to take everything slowly so she really understands what she is doing and doesn’t burn out.  She’s doing an amazing job and continues to practice at least 5 times a week.