Peeing on the potty

Ella woke up with a pretty bad cough and cold today. I asked her if she was ok, if anything was bothering her, and she said, “I need Tylenol”. It was pretty cute. All Ella wanted to do all morning was ballet. I put her white outfit on her and she danced everywhere. I left at noon to get a massage and Sunny really wanted to take Ella outside for a walk (the weather has been beautiful this weekend), but Ella refused to take off her “ballet”. They went to the Zen garden and painted with water. Ella went down pretty late for a nap and didn’t wake up until 6:15. After her bath, she was running around without her diaper. At one point, she told me that she had to pee so we ran into the bathroom. She sat on her potty and nothing happened. She came back into the room with me and then ran out again. She looked at Sunny and said, “I want to pee for Bug and Towby”. Sunny took her into the bathroom and Ella did it! She was really excited. I got Ella on video right after she had her jellybeans.

Here is a picture from last night at dinner. Phyllis and Michael came over, Ella danced and played with them all night.


One Response to “Peeing on the potty”

  1. merilee says:

    Mazel Tov! Please tell Ella we have lots of delicious jelly beans for her in New Jersey. Love you. Mom

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