Ella is such a little character. I don’t really have any concrete examples at the moment, but that’s the best way I can describe her. Sunny and I took the day off for Yom Kippur and fasted and Ella went to school and had a blast. There is a video at the end of this entry of Ella running away from us up to her classroom. She loves school and she loves it when we come to pick her up. Today I bought Ella a new leotard and she told me that she really loved it but she knew that it would be itchy so she actually wanted to wear a shirt under it. This was a first. She’s actually becoming reasonable about her clothes. We all hung out today after school and then mommy went to temple with Becca. Ella and I stayed home and played around, did some painting and then Ella accompanied herself on the piano with a few songs. I’ll post them tomorrow when I have more time. She was so cute. After temple, we had Chinese food to break the fast. It was a sweet night – a good way to start the new year.
Leaving to go to school.
Ella has a new job. Alicia told us that she was really cute the other day doing the calendar. She didn’t know which number was 8 so she just kept pretending until she got the right one. Then Alicia had to pick Ella up in order to help her to reach the place where the tilted 8 was velcroed.
Ella waving bye bye.
I guess growing up in SF has turned Ella into a tree hugger.
Ella asked me to take a picture of her against the wall.
Ella in her new blue itchy leotard.
I could eat her up. Love you. Mom