IKEA dresser

On Sunday, I went to IKEA and picked up 2 dressers for Ella’s room.  I also got her this little red night table which she loves.  She told me that she wanted to eat snacks on it.  The big girl bed is going pretty well.  I’m happy that we have those ottomans because I think she would flip right out of the bed.

putting-it-together.jpg Here I am putting the dresser together while Ella passes out in a drawer with her new elephant.

elephantindrawer.jpg Ella and her elephant in the drawer.

rinsing.jpggettingreadytospit.jpgElla loves rinsing and spitting.

newdresser.jpg The new dresser.

sleepingangel.jpg Our sleeping angel.  She insisted on having all of her “friends” in bed with her.  She also flips around all night – she fell asleep with her head on the other side of the bed!

hallway2.jpg On the way to school this morning.

artwork.jpg Some more of Ella’s artwork on the Leaping Lizard wall.

hanging.jpg Ella learned this hanging trick from her buddy Brickelle.

cheers.jpg Cheers – grape juice in her new “fancy glasses” from IKEA.

inthedresser.jpg Playing around in the old dresser.

One Response to “IKEA dresser”

  1. merilee says:

    Looks like Ella can make a plaything out of anything and everything. How did you put the dresser together with her playing in it? And the tossing and turning in the toddler’s bed? Maybe Ella needs a bigger bed, but one low to the ground, like Jesse used to have. Maybe Grandma and Papa can buy one for her. Love you. Mom

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