Saturday full of love

We’re back in SF and the NY Giants won the Super Bowl today. HOORAY GIANTS. Maybe the SF Giants will do something for us this year. Anyway…we had a beautiful day on Saturday in NJ and I wanted to document it. In the morning, my mom’s friend Doris brought her grandson Hudson over to play with Ella. They played together over the summer and hit it off.
Ella and Hudson were sweet to watch together.

After Doris and Hudson left, we had a little down time between friends.

Papa and Ella did some are work together. Papa outlined the shapes and Ella told him what they were and colored them in.

KK, Jordin and Kevin came over a little while later. KK brought Ella a new lavender tutu, a Capezio box to carry her ballet gear, and a lavender leotard. As soon as Ella saw her gift, she said, “I want to put it on, I want to do ballet”.

Ella giving KK a thank you kiss

Ballerina Ella – the purple leotard was big on her so we put on the purple tutu with the traditional pink leotard. Notice also, the beautiful ballet ribbon in Ella’s hair. 5jorballet.jpg
Jordin teaching Ella some ballet moves

Ella flying through the air with Jordin’s help

After about 1/2 hour of ballet, Ella decided that she wanted a chocolate popsicle so she changed out of the ballet outfit and back to her street clothes. Here is a picture of Ella and grandma and papa’s friend Diana. Diana has a grand daughter Emma who is about 3 months younger than Ella and Diana was playing some fun bouncy games with Ella that I’m sure Emma has taught her.

Nikki B came over a little while later and brought us all Yo Gabba Gabba shirts. Just perfect for us. I didn’t get a picture of Nikki B because she always yells at me if I put in a picture without her approval.

Jordin and Kevin didn’t know about Yo Gabba Gabba, so Ella showed it to them on DVD.

AJ came late in the afternoon. Ella was just so happy to see her – of course we were too, but there’s nothing like watching Ella just stare at AJ in awe. Ella was in the kitchen with AJ and Ella said, “AJ, you’re a really good singer”. So sweet. In this picture, Ella was looking at AJ’s nails and said, “I had my nails painted too. I had red and blue nails”.

Uncle Michael came a little later. Here is Ella, Uncle Michael and cousin Normyn

Ella seemed to be having a lot of fun up there on Michael’s shoulders

Sharing a sweet kiss with AJ

AJ was reading Ella “The Rainbow Fish” right before the picture so Ella decided that under the table was her octopus cave. She tried to get Normyn to go in with her but this was as far as she would go.

Right before Ella was going to go to sleep, she went into grandma and papa’s room to brush her teeth. A few minutes later, grandma and Ella came running back into her room with their shower caps on. Grandma said that it was Ella’s idea.

Goodnight – we all needed to try and get some sleep. We had to leave at 5:00am for the airport.

It was a great trip.

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