My dad came in Thursday night at 2:30 am. We were all so happy that he made it safely. We decided that since it was sunny out, (although it was very cold) we would all go to the Yerba Buena park. We started at the carousel where Milo had his first carousel ride and then Ella played hard in the park. Ella went down a huge fast slide, went down a firefighter’s pole many times (hurting her knee only once) and then she just ran and climbed everywhere. We had lunch at Mo’s Grill and then headed home. Grandma and Ella watched Toy Story 3 while Michael and Milo napped and AJ and I went downtown to do some shopping. I finally got the new iPhone and will see if I love it by the end of the week. Tonight Sunny made chicken and crab and cous cous and we all had a great time at home with a lot of love and laughter. After dinner there was a fire drill in our building and we all had to evacuate. We got to hang with Helen, Ron, Julie and Justin for a while. The girls tried to comfort each other about the noise – it was really sweet. Here are some amazing shots from the park.Beautiful Ella. Ella loves Milo so much and has been such an amazing cousin/sister! An old pro. AJ is smiling here because the carousel didn’t start yet…once it got going I thought we were going to need a motion sickness bag! Second ride for grandma, Ella Michael and Milo. By the end of the ride, Milo was sleeping. Come on everybody! Let’s go to the playground. Ella did a lot of climbing and sliding. At one point, she almost had the whole park to herself!Papa was at the bottom of the little slide making sure everyone made it down ok! Michael and Milo watching the kids on the big slide. Sweetness. Beautiful people on a cold and beautiful day. Milo watching Ella play music. Love and happiness.
You are so right. This week has been filled with love and happiness. Love you. Mom