Green light – Ella can go back to school

We kept Ella home from school today just to make sure that the lab results on her cultured nose were negative.  We also wanted to make sure that she was cleared to be around other kids.  The culture was negative and the doctor told us that Ella was cleared to go to school.  Ella and I actually had a great day together.  She was in a great mood although she really did want to go to school.  We had music on all day and Ella was singing everything from Miley Cyrus to the Sound of Music to the Beatles… We did this cool art project that Ella was really into.  Ella also helped me with stuff around the house.  I had her take all her towels out of the bathroom so that we could thrown them in the washing machine.  Ella had this big pile of towels and she couldn’t open the door to where the washing machine is.  She looks at me and says, “Can I have a little help here?”  So cute.  I don’t know where she comes up with this stuff.  Ella’s nose is pretty raw but she is not contagious.  I have to keep putting neosporin on it.  I spoke to grandma and papa today and they both got great reports from their doctors.  Papa is going to resume doing surgery on Monday and grandma can throw her slings away and start rigorous physical therapy.  Hopefully she will be driving in 2 weeks.  Way to go you guys!  You are taking great care of yourselves and each other.13.jpg Ella working on the project.22.jpg A few of the things Ella did today.  Once they dry, you can stick them on the window.

One Response to “Green light – Ella can go back to school”

  1. merilee says:

    I’m so happy we’re all on the mend. Glad to hear you and Ella had such a fun day together. Love you. Mom

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