There is nothing more beautiful than picking up Ella from school, having her run to me and give me a big hug and then want to go back and play with her friends. Ella is so happy and confident this year at school. Her whole energy feels different. I guess being one of the oldest kids in preschool is really making a difference for Ella. We both met Ella after school and took a walk over to Bi Rite. Brickelle (who is now in kindergarten) came onto the yard to meet Ella and they gave each other the biggest hug. It was so beautiful. They were both so happy to see each other and they are both doing well in their own classes! We all walked over to Bi Rite together and saw a lot of other CDS families there. It was a beautiful day and a great way to end the week – having great ice cream. Tonight the movie picked was “A Bug’s Life” – pretty intense choice since it will be one week since Bug died on Saturday. Last Friday night, we were all saying goodbye to Bug. We had a sweet night tonight. On the way to the car. Ella skips to school! She is so happy there. You can just feel the happiness through the photo. Beautiful kids! Brickelle, Ella and their buddy Maya. Brickelle, Ella and Brooklyn – I can”t believe how much he has grown up. A great San Francisco scene.