Ella was excited to go to school today. That made us feel so good because we were excited for her to go to school too! Ella had no problem with me leaving the classroom and was excited when I came to get her. I asked her what the best part of her day was and she said, “Miss Alicia – being back in Miss Alicia’s class!” Ella reported that many of the new kids cried and cried and I reminded her that she did the same thing her first year. After school, we went out to dinner in the Castro with Donna and Nikki B. After dinner Ella was taking a walk with mommy and saw a salon – it was a nail salon but Ella thought it was where you can get your hair cut. She can’t get her hair cut there, but we all got a kick out of the name. A huge preschool smile. Doing some math with her buddy Clark.Nikki B, Ella and Donna after a delicious dinner. This is the place where Ella wants to get her haircut. Oy Vey.