The Little Drummer Girl and Happy Chanukah

It’s pretty late here so I’ll make this a short entry. Tonight is the first night of Chanukah and we gave Ella her BIG present first…a shiny red drum set! She loved it. She started drumming like a pro right away.

Check out our little drummer girl!

Here’s Ella working the crash cymbal

We spent the first night of Chanukah with our beautiful friends Helen, Ron, Stella and Juliet. First we had some latkes, then we lit the candles and then we ate a delicious Chanukah dinner that Helen cooked. After dinner, we gave the kids some of their presents. The big theme was ballet. Helen’s parents gave Ella a ballet outfit and we gave Stella a light up tutu. We gave Juliet that same adorable hat that Ella has so Ron and Helen made sure that she had her regular ballet outfit so she didn’t feel left out. Helen and Ron gave the girls matching warm up suits. I’m sure there will be some incredible pictures of the girls in their outfits very soon. The first video is of Ella drumming and the second video is some priceless Chanukah footage.

One Response to “The Little Drummer Girl and Happy Chanukah”

  1. merilee says:

    Ella is amazing. From drumming like a pro, and loving every second of it, to dancing like a ballerina and cooing “ballet, ballet”. Thank you for giving us a peek into the first night of Chanukah. Love you. Mom

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