Tonight, our family and the Kim/Arena family had a holiday dinner. We all went to Acme and had a great time. The girls had a great time with each other and KJ fell asleep just as the food arrived. The girls were fooling around and playing a game with Ron and Sunny. Here is Ella making her not smiling face. Ron and KJ. KJ is such a sweet boy. The girls being super silly. Ella giving Juliet a big hug.Ella and Stella loving each other outside of Acme. The palm trees have been beautifully lit for the holidays.This is a little video of Ella singing part of a song that the preschoolers are going to be performing at the CDS winter concert tomorrow. Here are the actual lyrics of the portion of the song…Hello, bon jour, buenos dias,G’day, guten Tag, Kon nich-i wa,Ciao, shalom, dobrey dy-en,Hello to all the children of the world!In this video, notice that Ella has decided that the “guten tag, kon nich-i-wa” part is really coochie taco, nichiwa.
What an amazing difference in the girls between last year and this year. I am so happy they have and love each other. And KJ reminds me so much of Milo! Adorable. The song is precious. Love you. Mom