First, I need to write about a milestone.  Ella will be 2 in 10 days.  Sunny and I decided to finally eliminate her before bed bottle.  We switched over to giving her water about a month ago so now we just had to switch to a sippy cup.  Tonight when I was putting Ella to bed, she asked for a “ba ba” (bottle).  I told her that we were going to switch to a big girl cup.  She was very upset and screamed “ba ba – you want a ba ba” for about a minute or two.  I explained to her that big girls like Stella and Izze take sips of water at night from a big girl cup.  She lied there for a few minutes regaining her composure and all of a sudden looked at me and said, “You want a big girl cup, I want a big girl cup like Stella” and that was it.  We’ll see what happens tomorrow night, but she took a few sips of water tonight and I think we’re on our way.

I took the next video this afternoon.  After My Gym, Ella had lunch and then we went for a walk.  She fell asleep in her stroller, so I went downtown.  I went into a toy store and bought a very cool bubble machine – Uncle Michael may want this one.  After Ella woke up and we went to the carousel and everything, we came home and heard a sweet knock on the door.  It was Stella and Juliet.  I put Ella out in the hallway with them and told them that I was going to come out with a surprise.  Here it is…

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