Ella and her doggies

Ella and I took a long walk to the Ferry Building today and had some lunch at Taylors. It was a gorgeous day and walking with Ella is incredible. She notices every little thing – the flowers, the wind, the bumps on the sidewalk… When we came home, we spent some time in the Zen garden with the dogs. Each dog has a different “song” when we want them to go to the bathroom. Bug’s song is “Good girl, make a doody” and Towby’s is “Hurry up Towby, go potty”. Ella has learned both songs and they are on the video below – very cute.

Sunny and I took Ella swimming tonight and then Phyllis met us at the pub for dinner. We all had a great time.

Here is Ella dancing. She loves to dance. Check out the new shoes that Helen got for Ella.

One very happy child with the wind blowing in her hair.

Ella feeling the soft flower on her hand.

Kissing Bug

Kissing Towby

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