Children’s Day School Picnic

Today we took Ella to a picnic in Douglass Park that was an all school picnic.  It turned out to be a beautiful day and we all had a really nice time.  Ella played on the playground equipment with some of her classmates and she actually took off her shoes and ran around barefoot in the sand.  The parents that we met were nice and the kids are all so cute.  The first year parents were all comparing notes on how many tears have been shed since the first day of school.  Ella took a long nap after the picnic and we just all hung around the house.  Ella is still recovering from a cold and we’re recovering from waking up so early in the morning during the week to get Ella ready for school.ellatate.jpg Ella going down the slide – the cute kid behind her is her classmate Tate’.

wall.jpgElla loves her Tootie sweatshirt.

mommylove.jpg mommy1.jpgmommy2.jpgmama1.jpgmama2.jpgWe could not love Ella more!

One Response to “Children’s Day School Picnic”

  1. merilee says:

    WE could not love Ella more too! Beautiful pictures. Love you. Mom

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