Happy 22 month birthday!

Ella is 22 months old today. What a beautiful thing.twentytwo.jpgAfter work, Ella and I took a little walk to a store nearby and when we came home we heard the sweet sound of Stella and Juliet in the hallway. Ella had been talking about Stella since I came home so she was so happy to see her. They greeted each other with a big kiss and then Juliet rounded the corner. She is so sweet. Helen and I took the girls and the dogs into the Zen garden and when we were coming back inside, Juliet and Stella were holding hands and walking. Ella kind of looked over at them and we sensed that she wanted to hold hands too. They all held hands walking down the hallway, I ran inside to get my camera while Helen and Ron watched the sweetness and then I caught it on video. Here it is!

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