
Another week of school has come and gone.  Ella did a great job this week.  There is definitely still some anxiety at drop off, but there weren’t  any tears all week.  The next thing that Ella needs to conquer is to go an entire week without having an accident.  During our potty training family meeting back in early August, Ella requested a computer upon potty training completion.  We did buy the “computer” for Ella, but haven’t given it to her.  She knows that she needs to have a week without accidents in order to get the computer.  Today after an accident she told Alicia, “I am going to get a computer when I am potty trained and don’t have any accidents”.  Alicia asked Ella if she was going to get anything.  Ella looked at her and said, “Yes, you can have a present too”.  I asked Ella what she wanted to get Alicia and Ella said, “A popsicle”.  Pretty sweet considering that Ella LOVES popsicles.

I went to Old Navy today and picked up 2 costumes.  They were $17 each and I couldn’t resist.  One was a cat and the other was a monkey.  I really didn’t like the cat very much but Ella asked for it.  We also ordered a bee costume for Ella – one that she saw in a catalogue.  It came today too, so Ella had a massive dress up party after school.  The cat was cute – it lasted until we went to the mail place to pick up the bee.  The bee was really cute but really cheap.  Ella loved it and wandered around the building in it for quite a while.  The worst part for me was that it was a leotard and tights and very difficult to get off – not a good thing for trying to go to the bathroom really quickly.  I noticed a hole on one of the wings and told Ella that it was a cheap costume and we had to return it.  She didn’t seem too sad to part with it.  She also didn’t let a second go by between wearing the bee and the monkey.  She loved the monkey and it is my favorite too.

Tonight when mommy came home from work, I left to run some errands and came home to mommy and Ella cooking lasagne together.  Ella loved cooking with mommy and mommy was so happy to cook with Ella.  The lasagne was delicious.  Ella had a huge full day and I am completely exhausted.  Goodnight.

toelevator.jpg Our psychodelic kid on the way to school.

napspot.jpg Ella was showing us the spot where she naps every day.

wall1.jpgwall2.jpgwall31.jpgwall41.jpgI took these right after school before we got into the car.  Ella was fooling around in front of this wall by the Mission Dolores church.


olives.jpg Olives

cheese.jpg Cheese!

tootie.jpg Ella wearing her new Tootie (from Yo Gabba Gabba) sweatshirt.  We figured that if she had a sweatshirt from a character that she loves, maybe she would wear it without putting up a fight.  So far it worked – and she even wanted the hood up!

happy.jpghappy2.jpghappy3.jpgElla was getting tickled by mommy.  Pure happiness.

One Response to “Costumes”

  1. Merilee says:

    I love the lasagna-making with the monkey costume on. Sunny looks so happy, and Ella looks mesmerized. Miss you. Love you. Mom and Dad

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