Maybe Ella should become a proctologist

Last night Ella told us this, “Nobody should take me to school – nobody, nobody, nobody”.  This resistance was something new to us but we plowed through it and told her that we were going to take her to school and that hopefully she would try to have a good day.  Ella was a little whiny this morning but by the time we left for school, she was actually in a pretty good mood.  We got to school and she tried to cling to Sunny but Sunny walked her to a place in the classroom where there were some other kids and Ella started playing with a puzzle.  By the time we left 5 minutes later, she kissed us and hugged us and didn’t cry at all.  Sunny had an appointment in the afternoon so she couldn’t meet to pick up Ella.  I picked up Ella and she seemed great.  She had different leggings on and the teacher said that at one point, she stood in the room, opened her legs and peed on the floor.  Not so great, but this was only the second accident that she has had so far at school.  Her teacher, Alicia then told me something that she thought was really funny.  She said that this boy was going to the bathroom and that he was pooping.  When he was done, he bent all the way over to wipe.  The teacher looked over and she saw Ella coming right at him with her finger out ready to poke him right in the butt.  Oy.  I asked Ella about this and she ignored me.  I’m happy that the teacher thought it was funny.  Ella has been really into drawing pictures of peacocks – very bright beautiful pictures.  I think she’s doing really well at school.

face.jpgchillin.jpgElla chillin’ out watching Dora after school.

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