Lock down is over

Potty training isn’t over, but we left the house with Ella twice today. This morning, we hung around. Ella wanted to wear big girl underwear and although the potty guru doesn’t recommend it so early on in the training, we did it anyway. Ella went on the potty 2 times and then we decided that after the second time, it would be a good time to take her out. We did a family field trip to Target to look for another portable potty. Ella was fantastic and even made a pee on the portable potty that we had in the car. We got Ella this little Backyardigans couch thing and when we got home, Ella opened it up (like a little bed) and took a nap on it! She did not have an accident during her nap and about 15 minutes after she woke up, she made another pee. The poop is a little more difficult for Ella. She gets pretty uncomfortable and it takes her a while to finally surrender to her poops. Tonight, we went out to dinner with Helen, Ron, Stella and Juliet to this restaurant called Axis that has a family night every Monday. It was a lot of fun, but the service was more than slow and Ella slowly melted down. First, when we got there, she had an accident and made a pee. We changed her and she was fine. She actually went to the bathroom about an hour later and had a successful pee. When we got home, we could tell that Ella had to poop, but she did it in her underwear before we could throw her on the potty. She is doing a great job and this has been quite taxing and intense but it’s so worth it to give Ella some more independence.

In the elevator for the first time in big kid underwear.

Out in the world in the Target parking lot.

Ella’s big kid underwear.

Ella singing her little heart out.

Juliet and her million dollar smile.

Silly Stella. Stella kept telling me to take her picture and she was mugging for the camera.

“I’m going to tell you this one more time…”

One Response to “Lock down is over”

  1. merilee says:

    See you tonight. Can’t wait. You’ll have to give us a quick course on what we should and shouldn’t do re Ella’s potty training. You’re doing such a great job. Love you. Mom

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