Day 3 of lock down

Ella did a fantastic job today. She only had one accident (it was pee not poop!) We spent the day painting, playing with stickers, watching Dora, Diego etc… Sunny left the house in the morning to work out and I left in the afternoon to go get a massage. I think Ella has really enjoyed lock down. She has both of her mommies around all day and night, she has been wearing a sun dress every second of every day, she has all these new art supplies, gets to have jelly beans every time she pees or poops – how could life be bad? At around 4:30 we went over to the Arena/Kim household and played over there. Ella made her only poop of the day at their house. It’s so great to have so much potty training support and friendship over there. Juliet is doing amazing potty training too, and Stella is an expert. Tomorrow we are going to venture out into the world with big girl underwear on for a few hours at a time and see what happens. Stay tuned…

Here is a Dora playground that Ella constructed this morning.

Ella gets this serious look when she is painting.

Ella and Juliet had a blast in the bouncy house tonight. Stella decided to stay away from the madness.

Having a great time together.

One Response to “Day 3 of lock down”

  1. merilee says:

    Mommy and Momma, You have done a terrific job! You deserve a s much credit as Ella. Can’t wait to see you all. Love you. Mom

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