We have actually landed at home for more than a week! Ella has been having fun catching up with Stella, Juliet, KJ and Isaac, seeing some other friends, visiting ACC, and this past week she has been at Rock Band Land at CDS. The final performance is tomorrow (Friday). Ella decided that she wanted to sing this time. I will film the song and post it tomorrow.
Ella and her buddy pineapple.
The perfect pyramid of love and friendship.
Touching the rays at the Aquarium by the Bay.
Ella and a drop of water at the Exploratorium.
On Sunday, Ella and Sunny’s scooters were taken from our garbage chute room. Here is Ella with her new scooter.
Here is a video of Ella making a basket this morning at camp…
Before I saw the video, I thought you were talking about basket weaving! Great basket, Ella! Great picture of the drop of water and beautiful Ella. Nice new scooter! Old ones taken? Love you. Three more days! Mom