The good news is, we have until September 2 to have Ella totally potty trained. I think this may be a long road. Ella still has a cold so we took it easy today. I took her to the SFMOMA and we walked around and looked at all the beautiful paintings and stuff with the beautiful colors. After the museum, we met mommy over at the carousel. We all had a sweet time. When we came home, we decided that we would put Ella in underwear. We told her that if she had to pee or poop that she just had to tell one of us and we would help her make it to the potty. Today Ella peed twice in her 2 different pair of underwear. Right when she was doing it, she told us that she peed, so that’s progress. We told her that it was just an accident that that it happened to everyone. She didn’t see too upset. Ella was very tired tonight – probably due to her cold and cough. She went to sleep at 8:30. That’s a recent record for Ella.Here’s Ella patting me on the head at the carousel
Well hi there! Mommy and Ella enjoying a carousel ride
Maybe she needs to be naked in the house, and after she pees in the pottie put on her pants as a reward. But I shouldn’t give advice. I barely got you and yours sibs out of diapers before school started. Love you. Mom