Build a Bear video

Here is a little video of Ella at build a bear. It begins with Ella walking around the store trying to figure it all out and ends with Ella back at grandma and papa’s house repeating what her little bear Orange says.

One Response to “Build a Bear video”

  1. mommy/sunny says:

    <p><p>Oh my God I didn’t think our Ella could get any more beautiful!!! These pictures are so gorgeous! That Mama of yours continues to capture the best of you and everyone!! And my sweet Ella girl, I can’t wait to meet your bear friend Orange-thank you KK!-and all I can say is I LOVE AND MISS YOU AND MAMA SO MUCH, I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU AND THE REST OF THE FAMILY!<br /><br />
    Hey by the way, Barry hit another homerun tonight #757! It wasn’t the same without you and Mama but I saved the ticket for you so when you get older you can tell your friends, your Mommy was there!</p><br />
    <p>I love you forever, I like you for always! xoxoxo Mommy</p></p>

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