Thursday at Yerba Buena

Ella has a cold (again) so we decided not to send her to My Gym. It was a pretty nice day so we went to Yerba Buena, went on the carousel, did a little shopping at the store and walked around the garden. The playground was closed, so we did a lot of walking. Ella likes to go on the dragon chairs these days on the carousel. She told me that the dragon licks the horses with his big tongue. Here are a few pictures from yesterday.

This is from a few nights ago. We were all playing in the Dora tent. Ella was giving me pieces and I was trying to make a very tall tower.

This is from yesterday morning. Ella let me make a ponytail but of course she took it out a few hours later.

Here is the green dragon with the long tongue. Ella also rides on the blue dragon.

Ella checking out her new friends. She loves these little rubber guys that go on her fingers. The newest one is purple guy.


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