Last night at the Giant’s game

Sunny had a Giant’s board meeting and then got us all into the luxury suite at AT&T Park.  Delia and Erik came with us and Ella had a lot of fun with them.  Ella also bumped into Lou Seal and had another great photo op.

1eldel.jpg Ella and Delia entering the stadium.  Ella is super excited!

2louhug.jpg3loupic.jpgFirst Lou Seal saw Ella and gave her a huge hug and then they posed together for this photo.

4elmommy.jpg Having a blast with mommy in the luxury suite.

5eldel.jpg Ella and Delia at the end of the night still having so much fun together.  Delia promised Ella that she could help Delia feed her pet tarantula.  Ella asked what the tarantula ate and Delia told her that it ate crickets.  Ella then asked, “They don’t chirp do they?”  Delia’s answer…”not after the tarantula eats them”.

One Response to “Last night at the Giant’s game”

  1. merilee says:

    What fun! Tell Sunny she looks great; Ella too of course. Love you. Mom

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