Putting Ella to work

This has been a really busy week and tomorrow is going to be even more packed with stuff, but I wanted to share an e-mail and photo that Alicia sent us today.  The e-mail said this “I was busy so I put her to work reading to others.”  24.jpg  How cool is that!?  Ella’s reading has been getting better and better.  We don’t have her sit down and read, but every once in a while, we’ll be looking at a book or one of her magazines and she’ll say something like, “Let me read this page OK?”  so we let her give it a shot and she’s been doing so well.  After school, we asked Ella about reading to the other kids and she said, “Yes – I did read a book and it wasn’t one of those ‘BOB’ books – it was harder than that.”  She was really into reading to some of the other kids.  She told me later that some kids left in the middle of the book and other kids stuck around to hear the whole thing.  She didn’t mind that some kids left.  Thank you Alicia for encouraging Ella to go for it!112.jpg Ella is now swimming the entire length of the pool.34.jpg45.jpg Monkey bars after T-ball practice.

One Response to “Putting Ella to work”

  1. Grandma says:

    Wow! It’s one thing to read to herself, but amazing that Ella has the skill and confidence to read to the class. I love it! And swimming across the pool! Leonia diving board here we come! I’d better dust off my water wings. Love you. Mom

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