The Oakland Zoo and a bye bye song for Bush

Yesterday it was another beautiful day here so the 3 of us decided to go to the Oakland Zoo.  It’s a sweet zoo that also has a fun train and some little kid rides.  We all had a lot of fun.  This morning, we woke up, went into the room with the big TV, ate donuts and watched the inauguration.  Ella was great – she hung in there for most of it.  She sang a bye bye song for Bush and of course I captured it.  A little bit later on, she said, “Mama, the Obama show is making me tired”.  I guess she knows when she has had enough!

brushingteeth.jpg Here we are brushing our teeth the other day.

headgrab.jpg Ella is so excited about what she is seeing that she gives mommy’s head an extra grab.

lookatthemonkey.jpgchimp.jpgMommy and Ella were looking at this magnificant chimp.

fun.jpgfiretruck.jpgElla had a blast on this ride.

carousel.jpg Ella still loves a great carousel ride.  She went on a tiger and I went on the rhino next to it.

ourlittlemonkey.jpgwhitefacegibbon.jpgMommy and Ella checking out the white handed gibbon.

hippomouth.jpg Playing in the hippo mouth.

happiness1.jpg Happiness!

passedout.jpg Passed out in the car on the way home.

and here’s a bye bye song for Bush…

One Response to “The Oakland Zoo and a bye bye song for Bush”

  1. merilee says:

    I can’t believe we’ll see you all tonight. I love the zoo pictures; are the rides there? Love you. Mom

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