Fairyland five months later

The first time Ella went to Fairyland was in September, with Stella and Juliet. She had a blast (mostly because she was with her best friends), but she was also a little scared of some stuff there. There is a Fairyland video archived from September that shows us putting Ella and Juliet on a ferris wheel. They were both very young (under 2) and were freaked out by it. Times have changed. Today, we went to Fairyland and met our friends Susan and Jennifer, who were spending the weekend with their 2 1/2 year old niece, Rebecca. On the way there, I asked Ella if she was willing to go on the ferris wheel with Rebecca. Ella watches the old Fairyland video every night before she goes to sleep, so she is very aware of the catastrophe it was the last time she went on. She told me that she would go on it and that she wouldn’t cry, that she would be brave. She went on it today, and she was incredible. So was Rebecca who never experienced it before. Ella had a great time today and hit it off with Rebecca. She also played around with a lot of other kids. There is a video accompanying this entry and at one point, Sunny caught Ella on video being quite social. She was walking up to kids saying, “My name is Ella, what’s your name?” or “What’s my name…ELLA! What’s your name”. She did it to this one kid and when she said, “What’s your name?” she poked him and he told her that she shouldn’t poke people. It’s all on the video.

Ella heading towards the Fairyland entrance

Going through the gate on Mommy’s shoulders

Hanging with her new friend Rebecca

Watching a puppet show and eating Veggie Booty

The tin man/girl

The scarecrow

The good witch

And finally…Dorothy

Riding on the Fairyland train

Petting the Fairyland bunny

And now for the long Fairyland video (but worth every minute of it!)

One Response to “Fairyland five months later”

  1. merilee says:

    Ella looks so happy and independent. And her socializing! She definitely gets that from Mommy; She’s working the room. Love you. Mom

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