Too much time has gone by!

The time is flying by.  Ella is now in soccer camp every day and loving it.  A lot of kids from her school are also at the camp so she is having a lot of fun.  Before and after camp, Ella loves playing at this park.  Mommy has been taking Ella and picking her up from camp.  Today she shot some great video of Ella on the monkey bars.  Ella seems to have new strength. She told Sunny that she learned her new monkey bar technique at gymnastics camp.  So happy she’s been learning such great stuff this summer.  Here are some pictures from the past 6 days or so…

117.jpg214.jpg312.jpg All smiles at Rock Band Land camp.

45.jpg Beautiful Ella a few hours after the performance.

55.jpg64.jpg Ella hanging at the pool and hot tub in Cazadero this weekend where we spent Michael’s birthday.

74.jpg Ella helped out with Phyllis and MIchael’s dog Artie.

84.jpg Looks like a serious game of fruit ninja going on.

93.jpg Michael trying to blow out his trick candles.  Phyllis thinks it’s funny.

103.jpg Ella really thought it was funny.  Seems like Charlie and Hannah were bored and mommy was slightly entertained.

118.jpg First day of soccer camp…big smile at 9:00 in the morning.

122.jpg131.jpg Playing with the big kids on a cool swing.

141.jpgElla and mommy were the first ones to arrive this morning.  Ella had a blast on the swing.

151.jpgAn early morning climb for Ella and her friend Maya.

161.jpgMore fun times on the big swing.

One Response to “Too much time has gone by!”

  1. Grandma says:

    I love Ella’s technique on the monkey bars. So glad she is enjoying soccer camp. What a wonderful summer of growth in so many areas. Miss you. Mom

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