Ella lost her first tooth!

This has been such a busy week.  I went back to work and Ella had gymnastics camp all week.  Ella loved gymnastics camp and there are some pictures and 2 videos that mommy took during Ella’s gymnastics performance today.    I was stuck at the retina specialist and found out I have Central Retinal Vein Occlusion.  I have a follow up appointment in a month so stay tuned… Tonight, we went over to the Kim/Arena’s for Friday night movie night.  Ella lost her first tooth during Friday night movie night!  Ella’s tooth was really wiggly and she kept playing with it.  All of a sudden, Ella was like, “Look! My tooth came out!”  She said that she was wiggling it and it got stuck and then she tried to wiggle it back and it came out!  Very exciting night.  So great that she was with her buddies when it happened.

112.jpg211.jpg I took these pictures at around 6:30 tonight.  Ella’s tooth was so wiggly…we knew that it was just a matter of time before…

39.jpg42.jpg52.jpg Ella’s tooth came out!

62.jpg Here is Ella’s sweet little tooth.  It is now in possession of the tooth fairy.  Ella will wake up to 2 gold dollar coins.

72.jpg82.jpg91.jpg101.jpg113.jpg121.jpgElla doing an amazing job at gymnastics camp.

One Response to “Ella lost her first tooth!”

  1. Grandma says:

    I love that new smile! Ella looks thrilled and adorable as always. Gymnastics looks like fun. Next week soccer camp? Love you. Mom

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