Three wonderful weeks…

It has been an incredible three weeks.  Grandma, papa, AJ, Milo – it has been so wonderful being able to see you almost every day.  We love you guys so much and can’t wait for our next adventure in Anguilla.  It has been so great to see friends and family and to be able to have an east coast summer.  Here is the last batch of pictures.  I will describe what’s happening while I put the pictures up.  It’s getting late here and I have to wake up early. Mommy – we can’t wait to see you tomorrow afternoon!  We love you!1.jpg 2.jpgIt was a very overcast day so I decided to let Ella drive us to the park.3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg7.jpg81.jpg9.jpg10.jpg11.jpg12.jpg we took the kids to a park that was about 10 minutes away from grandma and papa’s house and they had so much fun.  Ella did some serious climbing and Milo did some serious exploring.13.jpg14.jpg Aj and I read Ella her night time books.  We took on all the different characters.  Ella said she liked it the most when I made mistakes with the words.15.jpg Ella and Iya  – the floating starfish.16.jpg17.jpg Taking a little break from swimming after lunch.18.jpg19.jpg20.jpg Grandma and Ella had such a blast together at the pool.21.jpg Lookin’ good papa!22.jpg Hanging with AJ and Milo in the kiddie pool.  Fun times!23.jpg24.jpg We went to the Liberty Science Center today.  Here are Ella and Milo using the digger.25.jpg Sweetness!26.jpg The kids playing with different kinds of diggers.27a.jpg27.jpg Bubble fun.28.jpg Ella did a great job rock climbing.29.jpg Milo played with this rice for about 1/2 hour and he had the greatest time.30.jpg Ella watching on from high up!31.jpgElla and grandma always have a great time together.32.jpg Cousins – such a beautiful relationship.33.jpg34.jpg35.jpg Love love love!36.jpg Normyn the wonderdog.37.jpg Ella took this beautiful shot of grandma tonight.  

One Response to “Three wonderful weeks…”

  1. Grandma says:

    The three weeks have flown by for me too. I will be very lonesome for you Schwartz girls for the rest of the summer. It has been wonderful having you here. Love you. Mom

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