Constantly learning…

On Tuesday, Ella yelled out, “Oh no – I just saw my shadow.  That means 6 more weeks of winter!”  I told her that I thought that applied to a groundhog, not Ella!  Then we asked her where she heard about groundhog day.  She said that Alicia taught the class about it.  This morning (Wednesday) Ella woke up at 6:30 on her own (I usually have to wake her up at 7:00) and she said that she was very excited to find out if the groundhog saw his shadow or not.   Tonight Ella told us that when Alicia told the class that he didn’t see his shadow, she got very excited and jumped up and down on her knees.  I don’t know how much of this is true, but I think it’s great that she’s paying attention and is retaining so much information.  Ella also told me about a part of a movie about bees that she saw today.  She said, “Did you know that bees only live for 1 month?  That’s sad.  A month is very short.”  I told her that she had every right to be sad and then I told her that maybe in the bee world, a month felt like 100 years for us.   Ella hung out with Stella today while I gave Juliet her piano lesson and then Juliet joined them.  Ella loves Wednesday afternoons.12.jpg22.jpg Today before I went over to Juliet’s, Ella came running into my room, curtsied and said, “Your majesty”.  She is one funny kid!31.jpg Buddies watching Madeline.42.jpg Ella loves practicing!

One Response to “Constantly learning…”

  1. Grandma says:

    I could eat those little fingers up! Love you. Mom

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