Huge parade for the Giants!

Today was the parade to celebrate the Giants World Series victory!  Sunny was part of the parade.  She was on this Bay Quacker car/boat with the Giants Community Fund.  The fund only allowed board members on the float.  Sunny really wanted to be with me and Ella but I told her that she should go with the Community Fund.  This was a once in a lifetime thing!  Ella and I were supposed to hook up with a bunch of her buddies from school right where the parade started.  We ended up waiting for a train for 1/2 hour and then I carried her through crowds of people to get to where her friends were.  I could not find anyone but then got a text from Sunny about where their location was.  The parade hadn’t started yet so they were in a holding pattern.  We found Sunny and the board.  All of a sudden the board members were telling us to climb over the barricade and get onto the Quacker thing.  Being the rule follower that I am, I was pretty nervous about jumping the barricade but I did and we had the best time being a part of the parade watching the crowds as we headed down Montgomery Street.  It was estimated that there were 1,000,000 people on the streets today watching the parade.  It was incredible.  After we got to City Hall, we made our way to pretty great seats to see the ceremony.  It was a beautiful, awesome and exhausting day.  Ella was amazing.  She really cooperated and had a great time.19.jpg Ella and Sunny on the QUacker.21.jpg Sunny and Ella checking out the crowds.31.jpg Here we are on the Quacker.41.jpg Look at all the people!51.jpg So happy the 3 of us ended up together!61.jpg Chewing a big wad of bubble gum and having so much fun at the ceremony.71.jpg Best seat in the house.81.jpg Exhausted and chillin’ – waiting for a table at Max’s.1crowd.jpg2crowd.jpgcrowd3.jpg4crowd.jpg5crowd.jpg6crowd.jpg7crowd.jpg Here are some pretty cool crowd shots.  I have never seen so many people gathered to celebrate and appreciate!8crowd.jpg City Hall add decked out for the Giants.9crowd.jpg Our manager and the trophy.11team.jpg Our team of “outcasts and misfits”.12team.jpg 13team.jpgWilson, Lincecum and Cain.14team.jpg Aubrey Huff and the Rally Thong.15team.jpg Final celebration.91.jpg We ended the very long day and night at Blush.

One Response to “Huge parade for the Giants!”

  1. merilee says:

    WOW! What a once in a lifetime experience. I’m so glad you were in the float and not in the crowd of 1,000,000 people. Great pictures. Love you. Mom

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