Monday, monday…so busy for Ella

Ella’s Mondays are intense and yet she comes out of it all loving life.  She started at school which she loves.  She worked on a poster for the Giants in class today.  After school she had tree frog trecks and she met a lizard and made butter.  After that, I took her to ballet where she was so focused.  I stayed for the beginning of the class and got some different footage.  Ella just loves the class and listens to the teacher and does her best.  After ballet she took a quick shower, ate dinner and then we had yogurt with the Kim/Arena clan.  Tomorrow is game 3 of the playoffs…we are taking Ella out of school early to go to the game.  Hope the Giants kick butt!img950503.jpg Ella and some of her classmates working on a poster for the Giants.118.jpg Ella and Juliet heading over to Blush.217.jpg315.jpg410.jpg59.jpg Fun at Blush.  Ella had a Hawaiian shave ice, the girls had yogurt.  KJ fell down the other day and scraped his nose but he’s still so handsome.Here are 2 movies.  The first is Ella and Brickelle dancing to the Nutcracker on Sunday morning and the second one is from today’s ballet class.

One Response to “Monday, monday…so busy for Ella”

  1. merilee says:

    I love the two dance videos. Go Giants! Hope they win tonight. Love you. Mom

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