The Zoo and a Giant win

Today we went to the SF Zoo with  Stella, Juliet & KJ.  The girls had a great time together.  They were also totally into using the map.  They were actually “reading” the maps – the zoo does it in a really cool way where they show a silhouette of the animal on the map so they were figuring out their next moves by looking at the animals on the map.  After about 4 hours at the zoo, we came home to watch the Giants win!!!!  Stella, Juliet and Ella stayed in our room and watched Monsters Inc while we watched the game with our friends and their 3 dogs.  It was hard to breathe during most of the game but that 9th inning was so exciting and we went crazy.   Ella is indulging us and was shaking around her pom poms and having a great time with us.110.jpg211.jpg310.jpg Just a few wildlife shots…notice the egg in the flamingo pics.  We watched this flamingo fight with someone to keep it away from her egg, she inspected the egg and then she rubbed herself all over the egg and finally sat on it.  I just love the giraffe shot because it looks so sweet.46.jpg Ella scratcing her ear.55.jpg Riding on the mother lion statue.64.jpg Walking with their maps.72.jpg The peacock…Ella’s favorite.8a.jpgI took this in November of 2007…3 years later…8.jpg9.jpg Ella and the girls and then KJ and his sisters.  10.jpg Ella loves these goats.111.jpg KJ making a new friend.121.jpg131.jpg Ella was really loving this sweet young goat.141.jpg Stella meditating with the ducks.152.jpg The girls chillin.161.jpg Having fun with Juliet’s dress.171.jpg Juliet and Ella hanging like bats.18a.jpg This was taken in November of 2007…181.jpg Here they are 3 years later!191.jpg Going down a funny slide.20.jpg One last time trying to get a peacock.212.jpg Ella after the big Giants win!

One Response to “The Zoo and a Giant win”

  1. merilee says:

    What beautiful zoo pictures! I love the girls’ independence, and the fact that they’re using maps to get to their favorite animals. Incredible comparison from three years ago. Love you. Mom

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