Beautiful Saturday

I don’t think any of us realized how beautiful it was going to be today.  Ella slept in this morning (8:30 is sleeping in for her) and we had a relaxing morning.  We decided to go to the ferry building for lunch.  Ella wanted to ride her bicycle down there.  Ella did great.  She rode the entire 3 mile round trip.  I think it’s almost time to get rid of the training wheels.  Ella gets distracted pretty easily and at times needs to be reminded to look straight ahead and not get distracted by something else going on so we have to work on that a little bit more before the training wheels come off.  After our active early afternoon, Ella had taekwondo.  She had a great class.  She seems to have a really good time in class and learns the moves pretty quickly.  It’s pretty challenging.  She tends to be entertained by the kids who get in trouble and have to run laps.  There is a little taekwondo video at the end of this entry.  After taekwondo, we came home for a little while and then met Toby and Debby for dinner at Moki’s.  By that time, Ella was pretty exhausted but she hung in there and we had a nice dinner.  We’re getting ready to watch the Giants game tomorrow at our place.  We have our rally rags and pom poms ready.  Go Giants!19.jpg Ella with her hair down this morning.29.jpg38.jpg Waiting for our lunch – Ella and Sunny were doing some math with the little ketchup cups.44.jpg Getting ready to go to class.53.jpg Ella smiles a lot in class.62.jpg Class is over!  Right ofter this, ella began chasing her classmates around pushing these huge exercise balls.

One Response to “Beautiful Saturday”

  1. merilee says:

    I guess a pedicure for Ella is out! What strong toes she must have! Good luck today; hope the Giants win. Love you. Mom

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