
We arrived in Hawaii on Tuesday and already we are all relaxed.  Ella’s ear infection is all better, my cold/sore throat hasn’t really changed so it’s tolerable and Sunny actually went to a clinic here and finally was put on Zithromax to cure her terrible cough/cold.  Ella loves it here – the hotel has a really cute kid’s pool with a slide and some turtles that have water coming out of their shells and there are a bunch of other pools where she can swim.  We spent our first afternoon at the pool and Ella practiced using her snorkel.  She didn’t like her mask because she was uncomfortable not being able to breathe out of her nose. so I rigged her snorkel up to her goggles which she loves.  This morning, Ella and I went to the pool while Sunny saw a doctor and then the 3 of us went to the beach.  We went to the beach at the Ritz Carlton since they have a relationship with the Westin that we are staying at so we can use their facilities and we thought it would be an easier way to ease Ella into the beach situation.  All of the beach craziness that Ella had when she was 2 1/2 is gone.  She was excited to walk on the sand and jump into the ocean.  She was so curious to see if she could find fish using her goggles and snorkel.  She went out into the ocean and loved it when she found some fish.  She saw some tiger fish, a purple fish and some others.  She’s such a natural in the water.  Tonight we went into Hanalei, got some shave ice and had dinner at a Japanese place.  Tomorrow, we are going to hit Ke’e beach and if there are cool fish, we will take some pics with the underwater camera.16.jpg Ella wearing a lei at the airport.26.jpg35.jpg45.jpgElla going down the water slide.  No fear, no hesitation.54.jpgElla and I in one of the other pools getting ready to test out the snorkel.74.jpg After dinner on our first night.82.jpg92.jpg101.jpg112.jpg Here is the whole process of getting ready to find fish…first get used to the water, then put on goggles, then life vest – now search for fish!122.jpgThat’s mommy out there.131.jpg141.jpg My two underwater explorers.151.jpg161.jpgA little pasta for lunch.17.jpg18.jpgAbout to order our shave ice.19.jpg Ella decided that she wanted rainbow shave ice.20.jpg What happens when you swallow a rainbow?  Your tongue turns black!

One Response to “Aloha”

  1. merilee says:

    Fabulous! I’m thrilled that everything is working out so well. Looks like you’re having a blast. Hope you’re resting at night; you need both R’s in R&R. Love you. Mom

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