Playing, sliding and going to sleep all by herself!

Today Ella woke up and felt a lot better.  It’s amazing how medicine works sometimes.  This morning, Ella and I met up with Caroline, Adam and Zach who are in town from NY.  We met at Yerba Buena and the kids had fun playing around.  After the park, there was a puppet show.  I have to say, I really can’t stand puppet shows, but Ella totally loved it.  After the puppet show, Ella rode the carousel twice.  Ella is totally into going on the carousel all by herself.  This is such a relief.  I think we spent the first few years of her life nauseous from riding those carousels.  We came home, had lunch and then Sunny took Ella out to meet up Zani, Phyllis, Hannah, Naomi, Michael etc.  They ended up at another park and Ella had more fun.  Tonight we had dinner at Mijita with Ruthann and Jaden.  Jaden is about a year and a few months younger than Ella and I think she likes being the older kid sometimes.  It keeps her behavior in check.  Tonight I bumped into Helen, Ron, KJ and the girls – Juliet was carrying a pink guitar and Stella had a Tiana doll.  Helen told me that they got presents for putting themselves to bed.  This gave me a great idea.  We usually start putting Ella to bed at around 8:15 and she ends up falling asleep at 9:30 or so.  We read to her, tell her stories, massage her…she gets in and out of bed, says she’s thirsty…all the regular kid stuff.  Tonight, Sunny and I were in Ella’s room and I said, “Hey – did you know that Stella and Juliet have been going to sleep on their own?  They got some really cool presents tonight”.  All of a sudden Ella said, “I want to go to sleep on my own tonight.  I want cool presents”.  We told her that it had to be for more than a night.  She said, “OK – I’m going to sleep now.  Goodnight, I love you.”  We left – she is sleeping!  This is a beautiful thing.13.jpg23.jpg Ella having a blast sliding/flying.32.jpg Adam giving Zach a little push down the slide.8.jpg Caroline and Zach flying down the slide.42.jpgElla climbing in her new shades.51.jpg61.jpg71.jpg Ella and her little buddy Zach.  Ella liked being the big kid today.9.jpg Ella listening to the beginning of the puppet show.  She has this slightly entertained look on her face.  Good thing you couldn’t see my face.10.jpgZach wasn’t as entertained or amused as Ella was but he watched some of it.111.jpg Beautiful fake smile on the carousel.  Ella still loves the carousel.

2 Responses to “Playing, sliding and going to sleep all by herself!”

  1. merilee says:

    Great to see you all hooking up with the Brothers. Zack is adorable and Ella, as always, is beautiful. Hope Ella continues to put herself to sleep. Love you. Mom

  2. Adrienne says:

    Mom tipped me off to check out your blog today and I am so glad that I did. I was hoping that you guys would be seeing each other while AB,C&Z were in SF. Ella has become such a big girl and very adorable. She is also persoanlity+, it even shows up in the photo. Looking forward to seeing her and you in July when you will be in NY.

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