Beginning stages of reading and writing

Ella’s mood is so different than it was last week.  She is a joy to be with, really hasn’t cried at all, she’s been incredibly reasonable and so loving – not needy.  Who knows what was going on with her…but we are sure happy to have her back.  Whenever I pick up Ella from school, we go to her classroom, get her lunchbox, jacket, Ann and then she hands me all these little pieces of paper with staples or tape or cut with fancy scissors.  Sometimes the paper has scribbling on it and she tells me that it’s homework, sometimes it says “Mommy, Ella, Love” or “Mama Ella Love”.  Today she handed me this black folded and stapled piece of paper.  She told me that she wrote a rhyming book.  I have to admit that I thought it was going to be another one of those scribble things but instead, she gave me this.117.jpg210.jpgCat, bat, rat, fat, jet, met.  She said that she did this all by herself.  I think it’s terrific!  Ella’s class been reading rhyming books each day so maybe this inspired her.  Whatever it was, way to go Ella!Ella decided after her shower at 6:00 that she wanted to stay home for dinner so she put on her nightgown.  I guess that sealed the deal – no going out.  Ella played around the house – she’s been really physical lately, climbing, jumping, playing with the basketball, baseballs…I got these shots of her jumping off the bench.310.jpg48.jpg56.jpg After jumping and dinner, Sunny went out and got Ella some Blush – cookies and cream.  She loved it and was sleeping by 8:50.65.jpg

One Response to “Beginning stages of reading and writing”

  1. merilee says:

    I am blown away by that rhyming book. I know Ella could read and spell, but it’s a leap from reading to writing. ( I-touch has certainly helped.) So glad to hear bed time was earlier. Maybe eating at home on school nights is what you all need. Love you and can’t wait to see you. Mom

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