The beginning of the weekend

Ella was at camp at school all week because her school had spring break and we had to work.  She had a really good time at camp.  Today, they got to break open the piñata that they made on Tuesday.  Sunny came early to get Ella for t-ball and Ms. Ngoc let Sunny take one big swing at the piñata.  None of the kids were very successful at breakingit open, so when Sunny took her big swing and all the stuff fell out, they were super impressed!  Ella was chanting, “Go mommy go, go mommy go.”  It was a very exciting part of the afternoon.  We took Ella to t-ball practice and she is getting pretty good at running the bases.  She still spaces out when she is in the field.  Today she picked a flower and did some yoga.  Tonight, the Kim/Arenas came over and we watched The Princess and the Frog.  KJ is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up to stand.  He is such a cute kid and we all had a lot of fun.123.jpg219.jpg Ella at T-ball practice.  I’ll get some more shots tomorrow at the game.317.jpg414.jpg Ella is getting a lot more coordinated and the more coordinated she is, the more stuff she wants to do.  Here she is climbing her first fence all by herself.56.jpg The girls watching The Princess and the Frog, eating popcorn and brownies.a.jpgb.jpg I just had to put these 2 pics in that I found from 2007 of the girls.  It’s so incredible to be able to watch them growing up together.66.jpgThe beautiful Mr. KJ.75.jpgI’ll give this guy a year to be taller than Ella.

One Response to “The beginning of the weekend”

  1. merilee says:

    Great pictures! I love Ella climbing the fence with Mommy’s hands ready to catch her. And the pictures of the Kim-Arena kids with Ella are wonderful. Miss you. Mom

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