Early afternoon with KK, early evening at the park

Today was another fun filled day.  Ella and I went into NY to meet KK, AJ and Milo for lunch. We all met up at KK’s house and then went to the Scandinavian House for lunch.  Ella played in the playroom there after lunch.  Milo had a good nap after lunch.  After we ate, we went back to KK’s and Ella, KK and AJ did a really cool art project.  Ella and I came back to NJ and then went to the little park a few blocks from grandma and papa’s house.  Ella played on everything there including the monkey bars.  Ella is getting much stronger and more confident.  Ella also played a little basketball with papa.  We all had a lot of fun.  Tonight, I went into NY to meet Adam for dinner and Ella stayed with grandma and papa for Friday night movie night.  They watched Mary Poppins.  I got home after Ella was sleeping but grandma and papa reported that they had a wonderful night.

We love you mommy/Sunny.  Hope you had a great day and night.  See you on Sunday!

112.jpg Ella and KK working the meditation bowl.

212.jpg Ella playing with another one of KK’s cool toys.

311.jpg Ella and Milo having a beautiful cousin moment.

48.jpg Milo takes full command of the chair.

52.jpg3 beauties.

62.jpg You know I love my crossing the street shots.

72.jpg82.jpg92.jpgElla in the playroom at the Scandinavian house.

102.jpg KK’s house is like a fun fantasy house for Ella.  She was constantly discovering new things.  Here she is pulling the little string on a lamp to turn it on and off.

113.jpg A leopard skin dinosaur?

122.jpg AJ and Ella fooling around.

131.jpg142.jpg152.jpg162.jpgElla and grandma playing hard at the park.

172.jpg182.jpg192.jpgElla and papa practicing dribbling and throwing the ball.  Ella is totally into dribbling the basketball.

202.jpg Grandma and papa were trying to steal the ball from Ella.

213.jpgI think their smiles say it all.  They had a blast at the park!

2 Responses to “Early afternoon with KK, early evening at the park”

  1. Sunny/Mommy says:

    their smiles does say it all–all of your smiles–great action shots and sweet NYC shots–It looks like KK got some good practice today! I love you–I miss you and can’t wait to see you Sunday-

  2. merilee says:

    Every day is wonderful with you here. Love you. Mom

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