Power out at the Tutu School

Ella had a great day today.  She woke up ready to go to school and have some fun.  She developed some kind of rash over the weekend…started on her upper arms and moved down a little on her lower arms.  She also gets a little rash on her cheeks.  She has no fever and it doesn’t itch but I will try to get her to the doctor tomorrow after school.  Ella was very excited for ballet and when we got there, all the lights were out.  There was a black out on Bay Street where the school is.  The teacher improvised and had them playing games and running and dancing around to either no music or music being played on her iPhone.  The kids weren’t trippin’.  They all had a blast.  Tonight, I had a squash lesson and Sunny had a meeting so Debby and Toby came over and took Ella out to dinner.  Ella had so much fun with her sweet friends.  Thank you Debby and Toby for helping us out.  Ella loved it!  So do we!  OK – now for some pictures and a short non-musical ballet video..15.jpgElla on her way to school this morning.21.jpg31.jpg41.jpg51.jpg                                Beautiful Ella dancing down the hallway.

One Response to “Power out at the Tutu School”

  1. Grandma says:

    I love that dancing doesn’t need music. Happiness is the music. Can’t wait to see you. Love you. Mom

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