Ella’s first day of school – year 2

Well…I have to say that a year has gone by and so much has changed.  Any anxiety we felt last year at this time was gone.  Ella was so excited when she woke up this morning and she was ready to go to school!  As we entered the classroom, Ella said hi to her old classmates and was really excited about being there.  When Alicia rang the bell, Ella kissed each of us and that was it.  At one point, Ella and Brickelle were hanging out and there was a new girl Emily just standing there and they took her hand and led her to the block/dramatic play area.  They were really beautiful and sweet and welcoming and hopefully put Emily at ease.  The only stumbling block we had was that we decided that we were going to pick Ella up 1/2 hour later this year because of our work schedules.  We told Ella all about it and she seemed excited that she would have 30 more minutes to play after school but when 2:15 rolled around and we weren’t there, she got really upset and cried.  She was a little shaken up when we arrived at 2:45 but it will be OK.  She already told us that it would be ok tomorrow.  If its not, that’s ok too, but I think she will be fine.  This is really good for Ella.  Change is good.

nametag.jpgalicia2.jpgElla last year…first day of school

4.jpg2.jpgElla this year first day of school.

1.jpg Classroom rule…the kids all have to wash their hands upon entering the classroom.  They also have to sing the entire alphabet song while they are washing.

5.jpg Ella and Brickelle escorting Emily over to the block/dramatic play area.

6.jpg Questioning…”how old are you?” “what’s your favorite color?”

7.jpg Things seem to be going well!

One Response to “Ella’s first day of school – year 2”

  1. merilee says:

    How precious. Ella is the sweetest ! She gets it from her Mommy and Mommy. Love you. Mom

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