Boon, TrainTown and the ballpark

We had a great time in the Russian River.  We stayed at a really sweet place called  The Boon Hotel.  We went to Armstrong Woods which is similar to Muir Woods but much more mellow as far as tourists and we pretty much stayed in the the pool for the rest of the time.  Ella had a blast and she did a lot of swimming with a vest on.  The vest helped  her with her confidence in the water, but Ella worked hard.  She “rode the bicycle” like nobody’s business.  Ella just kept going and going, moving her legs like she was riding a bicycle.  We are going to sign her up for swimming lessons this fall.  On Friday, we stopped at this place called TrainTown on the way home.  It was a cute little place that had a train, ferris wheel, roller coaster and some more rides.  Ella went on her first roller coaster and her first big girl ferris wheel.  It was fun.  On Saturday, we joined Sunny at AT& T Park – Sunny was doing a Junior Giants event and we were fooling around on the field.  It was a lot of fun.  Last night, Sunny and I took Juliet and Ella to see Ponyo.  It was a really sweet movie.  Ella loved it and pretty much understood it.  Great weekend!

211.jpg Armstrong Woods.

116.jpg Ella and I walking through the woods.

44.jpg Going deeper and deeper into the woods.

35.jpg Ella found this money on a treasure hunt that Sunny set up for her.

54.jpg64.jpgFun fun fun at the pool.

74.jpg On the train at traintown.

84.jpg One of the stops on the train was to the petting zoo.

104.jpg94.jpgPlaying in the little school house.  Ella asked teacher mommy why airplanes had to fly so high in the sky.

117.jpg The train is leaving the station.

122.jpg Right after the roller coaster ride.

142.jpgOur view from the top of the ferris wheel.

132.jpg Ella flying her very own plane.


212.jpg221.jpgShoulder ride races.

231.jpg Here are the girls making a pyramid. So much fun had by all.

One Response to “Boon, TrainTown and the ballpark”

  1. merilee says:

    What happiness! I love the looks of glee and of determination in Ella’s expressions. Glad you all had such a good time. Love you and miss you. Mom

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