Busy day today

Today Ella, grandma and I went into NY.  Ella had a playdate with Nikki B and grandma and I went to a party to celebrate KK’s birthday.  Ella went to Magnolia for a cupcake with Nikki B, then to the Museum of Natural History and then to a diner.  Ella had a great time and I hope Nikki B sends me pictures of their adventures!  We had a great time at the party – hung out with great friends.  Ella fell asleep in the car on the way home and when she woke up from a good nap, she went to the park with grandma and papa and then they had dinner.  I went into NY to hang out with AJ and Michael and then we came back to NJ.  Tonight we discovered that Ella has some trumpet skills.  She started out by blowing the shofar and then took a turn at uncle Michael’s trumpet!  She was fantastic and so cute.  I have a movie but need to figure out how to download it onto this blog from the computer I am working on.  For now, there are really cute pictures.

1ellaarms.jpg Just a cute picture of Ella from the other day.

2ellagrma.jpg Ella and grandma about to head into NY.

3nywalking.jpg Ella and grandma in NY.

4mimi1.jpg Ella finding Nikki B’s cat Mimi under the covers.

5sisters.jpg6lokk.jpg7laurenmom.jpg8laurenmike.jpg9laurpriscilla.jpgI made the rounds at my table during KK’s party.

10papaella.jpg11ellaswing.jpg12papaella.jpg13papaella.jpgHaving fun with papa (and grandma who was the park photographer) at Fireman’s Park.

14trumpet.jpg15trumpet.jpg16duet.jpgElla and uncle Michael playing around on the trumpet and shofar.  This was so sweet to watch.

16kissingmilo.jpg Ella kissing Milo in AJ’s belly.

18smileaj.jpg Ella has a real thing for AJ.

The day and night were wonderful.  The only thing that would have made it perfect would have been if mommy were here.  WE LOVE YOU! WE MISS YOU!

2 Responses to “Busy day today”

  1. Mommy/Sunny says:

    My God these are beautiful pictures! Ella -you look like such a big girl–you really look so big and wonderful–pretty soon you will be showing me magic tricks!–did you grow up in just a few days?
    Everyone looks so wonderful and happy and isn’t that rich?! AJ–what a family you have in your belly–a village of love–Papa and Grandma–the quintessential grandparents! Mickey man–and Ella blowing their horns couldn’t be sweeter-KK looks amazing!
    -As for this Mommy–spent the night after spending sweet time with Debby and Toby and Judy –went to Acme–sat at the bar with a burger and yes a shot of tequila and everyone gave a double take as they never saw me at the bar–as it’s been us 3 or 4 or 6 at the table–the Giants won 13-0 against the Astros –a rookie pitcher named Sadowinski just elevated from triple A made his second start (first time at home) and lights out! Becca joined me later and fireworks galore after the game –but went home to comfort our doggies as even Bug heard the sonic like boom sounds! Life is precious and so are all of you and us! love you all!

  2. merilee says:

    It’s wonderful having you here; it will be spectacular when Mommy and Uncle Jesse and Aunt Heather arrive. It will be perfect when Milo arrives. Love you. Mom

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