Beach, bubbles, icecream and princess

On Saturday, I volunteered at Ella’s school and Ron, Helen, Sunny and the girls went to Crissy Field to the beach.  The weather has been incredible.  Not only did Ella play and run on the sand, she lied down in the sand and made sand angels.  After the beach, I met up with everyone and we had some ice cream and ran around in the grass.  Yesterday, Sunny and I went to a funeral in the early afternoon and then came home and took a walk with Ella who was dressed as a princess.  She was so happy to be outside running around.  She also said that she was excited for baseball season!

makingbubbles.jpgVery serious about making bubbles.

bubblesisters.jpg The bubble sisters.

sandangel1.jpgsandangel2.jpgsandangels.jpgLook at all the sand angels!

icecream.jpg Yummy ice cream

love.jpg True Love

runningprincess.jpg Princess on the run.

louseal1.jpglouseal2.jpgRiding on Lou Seal.

One Response to “Beach, bubbles, icecream and princess”

  1. merilee says:

    Wow! Ella making sand angels! What a change from Anguilla; I’m really impressed. And the princess riding Lou Seal looks so happy. It makes me happy to see her. Love you. Mom

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