Cupcakes at school

Today, we celebrated Ella’s birthday in her classroom.  Sunny and I went in at around 1:45, read a few stories to the class, ate cupcakes, and watched the class of totally adorable kids sing happy birthday to Ella in Spanish, English and Chinese.  We got to see some of the kids’ dynamics and it was pretty hysterical.  Ella was so happy that we could stay and then all leave together.  Tonight, we had dinner with Diana and Kenny -friends of grandma and papa who were in town for a wedding.  It was a great dinner and Ella had a blast.  She was terrific.

goodmorning.jpg GOOD MORNING!

schoolcupcake.jpg I think this will be the last of the cupcakes for a while.

crown.jpg Ella in the middle of the circle.

soccer.jpg Our soccer star with a chocolate mustache and beard.

dianakennyella.jpgfunwithkenny.jpgPlaying around in the restaurant with Diana and Kenny.

2 Responses to “Cupcakes at school”

  1. merilee says:

    Wow! Another birthday party. Again, Ella looks so happy. What a surprise that you guys had dinner with Diana and Kenny; I never knew. Looks like you guys had a great time. Love you. Mom

  2. Adrienne says:

    Hi Guys! Happy Birthday to Ella, she looks great in the Belle Costume. Hope she is also enjoying singing into the microphone, just like AJ.
    Looks like all is going well on the left coast. Love,

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